Lovely baby Chase came home from the hospital on Wednesday, having stayed one extra day because mommy had a high fever and was being tested on.
Had first pediatrician visit the next day. First mommy and daddy forgot that Chase needed a diaper bag because anything can happen with a baby. We assumed that it would be quick and we literally live across the street. How bad can it be? First-time parents' mistake.
Visit was uneventful; checked weight (5 pounds 11 ounces) and height (19 3/4 inches). Then the chaos happened. Pediatrician found out that Chase was discharge from the hospital with bilirubin level of 16.1. High for a two day old baby. Chase was also looking a lot yellower than when he came home the previous day. Pediatrician began to take blood from his heels, but was not getting enough. She tried to get it from his left hand. No luck there. Chase was screaming at the top of his lungs. Pediatrician finally got what she needed, but she wanted us to take the sample to Methodist hospital to have them run the test and then if needed get Chase to the emergency room.
We had to go back to our apartment; dumped tons of baby things into our first diaper bag and rushed to the hospital ! Got to the hospital, gave the lab our sample and sat around for 2 1/2 hours to find the result. Finally the pediatrician office called to let us know that his bilirubin level has gone up to 19. To the ER we went. More pricking on his heels to get blood. Another two hours and we were admitted to the pediatric ward where first they told us that only one parent can stay overnight. That seems odd to us and we questioned everyone about it, but they all said the same thing. Finally our nurse told us that the policy has changed and both parents can stay. What a relief! I can't imagine staying there by myself, still having to deal with the post-pregnancy hormones, soreness and on top of all that having to change and feed Chase.
Chase started his phototherapy to lower his bilirubin level so that he can be safely discharge to home. Every two hours or so we took him out of his little phototherapy machine to feed and change him. We were really tired from the whole ordeal and from the previous hospital stay. Chase, however, had no care in the world, as you can tell by this sunbathing picture.

After spending the night on therapy his bilirubin level went down to 13 and was given the A-OK to go home. Going home was even harder to do since it took an hour for someone to write us a discharge paper. Then the doctor that was treating Chase came in at the last minute to tell us that he needed to take blood from Chase's arm because test result showed high level of potassium, which can be dangerous to the heart. He couldn't find Chase's vein. When he found something in his right arm, he couldn't get enough blood. Then another person came along took blood from his left foot. Still not enough blood. Finally got enough blood from his left arm. At some point I had requested that they not take anymore blood from Chase because hearing him scream was not something that Mr. T and I can take for too long. But they said that it would be unethical or professional of them to do that knowing that he might be at risk for heart trouble. Although he did mentioned that the result might be a false positive due to the method of collecting blood. Well, doctor got what he wanted and we couldn't wait to get out of there!
Surprised hit us again when we had to pay for parking!!! $48 for one night stay! Expensive stay, but we're glad that baby Chase was better. His life can only get easier from now on!