Sunday, December 30, 2012

Car seat toy

Chase's car seat toy

Had a little down time so I made something for Chase's car seat. Joel from made by joel has a very simple toy that does the same job as the more expensive kinds you buy at the store.

Click on Joel's link for instructions on how to make the car seat toy. His instructions are very simple just like all of his projects.  I stuffed pieces of a cereal bag between the blue and red felt so the toy make the crinkle sound when Chase grabs it (when he's old enough to do that!).

Chase loved it. His eyes lightened up when the toy was held in his field of vision. He tracked it as the toy moved around. Car seat toy passed the Chase test. HOORAY!

Total time for project:15-20 minutes. Can be done during baby's nap.

Put me back in...

Baby Chase is now a month and 4 days old. He's a cute, adorable and at times a very fussy baby.

There are days that I'm thinking he probably is wondering why I had to push him into this world. A world where he has to work so hard just to eat, poop, pee and sleep. And who are these two people who keep staring at him and have no clue as to what he wants/needs!!

Motherhood (and fatherhood) has so far been exhausting for me and Mr. T.  There are bad and good days. There are days where we're saying to ourselves, what have we gotten ourselves into?! This is our lives from now on. We thought having a dog was hard. At least the dog only poop, pee and eat twice a day. The rest of the time, she sleep. And sometimes she stare at you with her adorable "puppy" eyes for a treat. That was the good life. And life is still good, just a bit harder with less sleep :)

Chase is finally asleep and I'm sitting here pondering the things I miss about carrying Chase for 9 months:

1. Wearing maternity clothes. Yes, I love the belly look! I actually get to wear adults clothing. I'm ultra-petite and pre-pregnancy I wore children's clothing, so yes, I was very excited to be wearing adult clothing. I am now back to my kid-size clothes.  

2. While were on the topic of clothes...oh my goodness...I LOVE the maternity pants.  Just pull them up and you're done. I swear I don't remember how to zip my pants now...

3. People actually being nice and holding doors for me. Strangers talking to me as I walk down the street. Comments I've heard: " How that happened? Congrats?", "You look good pregnant!" (hey?!).

4. Talking to my tummy. At least people don't think I'm crazy while I was pregnant. I remember days when I tell Chase to kick and he actually did!

5. Mr. T talking to my tummy with no reaction from Chase. 

6. Watching my tummy as Chase did his acrobatic movements. 

7. Being able to actually sleep at night with 3-4 bathroom breaks. I thought that was hard then.  Not as bad as having someone scream for you to wake up every two hours like an alarm clock for multiple reasons that you're not sure of. At least the alarm clock has a snooze button. Hit it and back to sleep for another 15 minutes . I wonder if Chase has a SNOOZE button?!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays from our family to yours...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

This year Mr. T, Chase and I are just having a little lunch gathering at our apartment since my parents' house are still under renovation after Hurricane Sandy.

Mr. T's family and my cousins will visit us. This will be the first time that my cousins will meet Chase. Christmas day is also Chase's one month birthday. Although I'm not really traditional, in Vietnamese culture the baby is introduced to the world at one month. According to tradition, the mom and baby spend a month of cleansing/healing and nobody gets to see the baby or the mother until the one month event.  Since his one month birthday coincides with Christmas I thought it would be nice to have everyone come over to meet Chase and also pick up their presents. It will be too cold for Chase to go out and although we were invited to parties we can't go because of the risk of Chase getting sick in crowded places. We'll just spend some quiet time at home and have people come to us :)

Enjoy the time with your family and love ones! Hope you have a wonderful, snowy Christmas!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


It's amazing the thing you get excited about when you're a new mom.  Ever since Chase was born his poops came in variety of consistency and colors. He also pooped at a rate of what seems to be every second. Some times it's a size of a dot and other times there's an explosion of poop. So off I went on the   world wide web to look for information about poop. I came upon this website:

What I love about the website is that it has very vivid pictures along with descriptions. Hope you find it as helpful as I did.


Photo from Canadian Family

How simple is this?! And a great way to get the kids to eat their vegetables!

Details at Canadian Family

Monday, December 10, 2012

Two week follow - up with pediatrician

 2-week-old Chase T. 

Height = 19.75 in.
Weight = 6.14 lbs.
Head circumference = 35 cm.

Regained birth weight, which was 6.6 lbs. and then some. Doctor said Chase's gaining weight at a healthy rate.

Umbilical cord dropped off on Saturday, but still has some pus. Pediatrician put some ointment on it to help the healing process. Continue with sponge bath until umbilical cord completely heals.

Expressed concern about consistency of poop, diaper rash and formula. Doctor said to continue with formula since Chase is getting the nutrition he needs, but will re-examine formula if diarrhea continues.

Open sore rash around anus area that Chase had for a week is also healing very well. Doctor said to continue with A & D ointment or aquaphor and monitor. If rash worsen, update him by Friday.

Next is the 2 month appointment where he will receive vaccinations.

What is up with baby? Growth spurt. Hungry and often. Meaning waking up mommy and daddy at all times of night for feeding. Mommy feeds; daddy does the diapers. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Find of the Day...

Ornament Chandelier from Crate and Barrel

Saw this on Crate and Barrel today while looking for Christmas gifts. This ornament chandelier would be perfect as a mobile. The chandelier has metal clips so you can hang your children's artwork, post cards, ornaments, pictures of the baby, or  anything else you can think of over the crib. Chandelier hang from ceiling. 

Photo from Crate and Barrel

As always, make sure that anything you hang over the crib is secure and safe for your child.  Remember, safety first!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chase's First ER visit

Lovely baby Chase came home from the hospital on Wednesday, having stayed one extra day because mommy had a high fever and was being tested on.

Had first pediatrician visit the next day. First mommy and daddy forgot that Chase needed a diaper bag because anything can happen with a baby. We assumed that it would be quick and we literally live across the street. How bad can it be?  First-time parents' mistake.

Visit was uneventful; checked weight (5 pounds 11 ounces) and height (19 3/4 inches). Then the chaos happened. Pediatrician found out that Chase was discharge from the hospital with bilirubin level of 16.1. High for a two day old baby. Chase was also looking a lot yellower than when he came home the previous day. Pediatrician began to take blood from his heels, but was not getting enough. She tried to get it from his left hand. No luck there. Chase was screaming at the top of his lungs.  Pediatrician finally got what she needed, but she wanted us to take the sample to Methodist hospital to have them run the test and then if needed get Chase to the emergency room.

We had to go back to our apartment; dumped tons of baby things into our first diaper bag and rushed to the hospital ! Got to the hospital, gave the lab our sample and sat around for 2 1/2 hours to find the result. Finally the pediatrician office called to let us know that his bilirubin level has gone up to 19. To the ER we went. More pricking on his heels to get blood. Another two hours and we were admitted to the pediatric ward where first they told us that only one parent can stay overnight. That seems odd to us and we questioned everyone about it, but they all said the same thing. Finally our nurse told us that the policy has changed and both parents can stay. What a relief! I can't imagine staying there by myself, still having to deal with the post-pregnancy hormones, soreness and on top of all that having to change and feed Chase.

Chase started his phototherapy to lower his bilirubin level so that he can be safely discharge to home. Every two hours or so we took him out of his little phototherapy machine to feed and change him. We were really tired from the whole ordeal and from the previous hospital stay. Chase, however, had no care in the world, as you can tell by this sunbathing picture.

After spending the night on therapy his bilirubin level went down to 13 and was given the A-OK to go home. Going home was even harder to do since it took an hour for someone to write us a discharge paper. Then the doctor that was treating Chase came in at the last minute to tell us that he needed to take blood from Chase's arm because test result showed high level of potassium, which can be dangerous to the heart. He couldn't find Chase's vein. When he found something in his right arm, he couldn't get enough blood. Then another person came along took blood from his left foot. Still not enough blood. Finally got enough blood from his left arm. At some point I had requested that they not take anymore blood from Chase because hearing him scream was not something that Mr. T and I can take for too long. But they said that it would be unethical or professional of them to do that knowing that he might be at risk for heart trouble. Although he did mentioned that the result might be a false positive due to the method of collecting blood. Well, doctor got what he wanted and we couldn't wait to get out of there!
Surprised hit us again when we had to pay for parking!!! $48 for one night stay! Expensive stay, but we're glad that baby Chase was better. His life can only get easier from now on!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Leg Warmers for boys

Chase with his leg warmers

The best thing that I could have made are these leg warmers. They are super, super easy to do. They make diaper time a breeze because you can just leave them on or just pull them off like a pair of socks. No unbuttoning or unzipping.

Here is how you make them. READY?

1. Buy a pair of women knee high socks.
2. Cut off the feet part of the socks, leaving just the tube.
3. The elastic part of the leg warmer goes on first. The lower part of the leg warmers are just loose.
4. You can also sew the part that you just cut and make it tighter around the ankle.

Adorable, RIGHT?!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Baby Chase T.


Born exactly at beginning of the 39th week of pregnancy
On November 25, 2012 @ 8:39 am
Weighing in at 6 pounds 6 ounces
Measuring 20 inches

Labor and Delivery was quick at least once we were at the hospital. Actually felt contractions at 6:30 pm on Nov. 24. Arrived at my in-laws house around 8:30 pm to be closer to the hospital just in case I went into labor. Felt intense contractions starting at 9 pm. Went to hospital at 3:30 am to be monitor and see if I was dilated enough to be admitted. I was dilating 1-2 cm at yesterday's appointment. The resident treating me said I was dilated at 5 cm. He came back 2 hours later and I was 10 cm  WITHOUT EPIDURAL!!! I was screaming my lungs out and was squeezing my husband's hands really hard. Pain like I've never felt before. Contractions felt like they were coming less than 30 seconds apart!  Everyone rushed to find me a delivery room thinking Chase would come any second.. They were all very happy and said "Good Job!" I looked at them and literally said "Why is everyone so happy and telling me that?!" It doesn't feel that way from my side. They said normally first-time mom takes a long time to deliver their baby. 

My Ob. came in and wanted to see if we're ready for delivery. Let me just say having a doctor stick his fingers up my vagina while I was having contractions made me want to just literally push the baby out and hit him in the face!!! However, doc said my water hasn't broken yet so I could have an epidural if I want one. Can anyone guess my answer to that one?! Of course, I got the epidural even though it took me an extra two hours to get Chase out. He was literally stuck at the tip. All I saw was his head and hair. I was pushing for an hour and half and no bulge. So I need a little help from a vacuum and a little cut down there and out came Chase!

Isn't he the cutest?! Besides your kids, that is :)

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours. 

This was the first Thanksgiving at our apartment. Normally it's at my parents' house, but since Hurricane Sandy hit them hard, we figure it's better to have it at our place. It was small and quiet; just my mom, my brothers and us.  Wasn't so quiet in the kitchen though! Lets just say there were too many chefs in a Galley kitchen!

Simple dinner. Turkey breasts and wings. smash potatoes. macaroni and cheese with string beans. cranberry sauce. stuffing. Apple pie (The Nguyen family not fond of pumpkin pie). And Chinese custards (ok...with a little Asian touch).

Thanksgiving tradition: Watching as many football games as you can and then go to sleep.

Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving with your family!

38 week - November 18, 2012

Thirty-eighth week of pregnancy. I've enjoyed carrying baby T. for the last 38 weeks, but it's time to get out. The only reason why I say that is because of the itchiness that I've been feeling from my PUPPP. The only way to get rid of PUPPP is through delivery. I could stand the constipation, the hemorrhoids, the edema, the urgency to pee, etc. but the itchiness is just annoying.  I must say that it isn't as bad as my friend who had it since her 5th month of pregnancy, but it's annoying none the less. The thing with the rash is that it comes and go whenever it feels like it. I've tried Benadryl and calamine cream like my doctor recommended, but they haven't worked for me like I would like. The only thing that stops the itchiness is applying cold compress and applying shea butter whenever it starts itching. That means if I feel a little itchiness in my hands I would wake up, apply the lotion or ice and then go back to sleep. So I've been waking up 3-4 times a night to do that and pee at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone as they say.

I'm hoping that the next week and a half will go by smoothly with no new symptoms. Could there be any more?!

Of course, I'm also hoping for a pain-free delivery or as painless as possible.

Monday, November 19, 2012

37 week

37 weeks pregnant

Tummy doesn't look that big, right? Flowers will camouflage your belly bump! Believe me! It's big.

What's up with baby this week?

Baby is 6 pounds & 6 ounces. Still giving the sonographer a hard time by putting his hand over his face the whole time. Hope he's not born with his hand stuck to his head!

What's up with mommy this week?

Group B Strep screening came back negative. Weight is now 118 pounds. Weight gain of 33 pounds.

Rash is now spreading from belly to forearms and legs. Itchiness worst at night than during the day. Skin is very sensitive to any new lotion or fabric. Only using glycerin soap and shea butter lotion after bathing. Ice compression also help with the inflammation.

Cleaning baby clothes and linens to get ready for baby's arrival. Donating blankets and clothes to Salvation Army. Still trying to look for the perfect going home outfit. Doesn't really matter as long as he gets home safe and sound. Not to mention he'll only be in that outfit for 10-15 mins and the rest of the time he'll be bundle up and in his car seat.

Looking forward to? 

Spending time with family this Thanksgiving Thursday. Lots to be thankful for this year.

Closet dividers...

While waiting for Hurricane Sandy almost a month ago I figured I'll make cute little closet dividers for all the baby clothes.

Very simple to make. All you need are white label paper, scrapbook paper, hole puncher, scissors, and pretty ribbons. I used the Silhouette Cameo to make the sizes and the shape, but you can do it with any basic word processor.


1. Open up a word document.
2. Insert a simple shape.
3. Add text. Whatever size you wish.
4. Print it out on label paper.
5. Cut out the shape.
6. Remove backing of label paper and adhere to scrapbook paper, that's been cut into squares.
7. Punch a little hole at the top of the tab.
8. Tie ribbon to hole.

Here is what it looks like:

Simple enough, right? And a little more organized. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Crib far

I've finally decided to make a simple heart mobile for the crib.

photo by petite brooklyn mom

photo by petite brooklyn mom

I'm going to test drive it for a week to see if I want to add a hot air balloon to it or add more hearts. I will probably tuck in the extra white felt to give it a more cloud look or maybe add cottons to make it a fluffy cloud.

How to make the hearts:

1. Cut out two felt heart for the front and one for the back of the heart. 
2. Place the two heart felts together. Hand sew around the heart, leaving a little opening. 
3. Stuff the heart and then finish sewing it up. 

I used clear thread to connect the hearts together. For each heart I made a knot so that it doesn't move on the thread. Then just connect that to the felted cloud. The cloud is held up by fabric hoop. I got it at Jo-Ann. They always have 40%-60% discount coupon. 

So how did I hang the mobile up? Originally, I wanted to make the mobile really long and hang it from the ceiling using a hook. Mr. T doesn't like the idea of hanging anything from the ceiling, except for light fixture. I've decided to use a stick placed in a vase with rocks to hold it in place. If you want other ways to hang up a mobile take a look at little red farm.

If you look at the first picture, I connected two lint cleaner tubes together. They are very flexible so it's easy to manipulate. The problem is that it was too flexible so I had trouble standing it straight up in the vase. I took a branch that Mr. T had found on one of his daily dog walk a while back and decided to tie the tubes to the branch and placed rocks and pebbles in the vase. Use a tall vase so you can fill it up for stronger stability. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

36 weeks

First Hurricane Sandy and now winter storm Athena! How much more can the East Coast take? Mr. T and I feel so fortunate and blessed to not be affected by the storms. Our hearts go out to all the people in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

Our co-op building had a collection for Hurricane Sandy victims this week. In searching for things to donate, Mr. T and I realized that we have surplus of clothes and blankets that we don't need at all since we haven't used them for more than a year. Even when I was cleaning the apartment to make space for the baby and donated to the Salvation Army, I was thinking to myself " Maybe I'll fit into this post-pregnancy" or "I'll use it one day".  I kept those items. But for Hurricane Sandy, I knew that it will go directly to those affected by the disaster so I took all those items and gave them away. I'm still searching through my apartment looking for more things to donate. The local library is also collecting donation so we will give to them as well. It feels great to help others. At the same time making space for the baby. 

Update: November 9, 2012

OBGYN appointment was quick today. Asked to be put on the monitor right away while I wait for the sonographer because that takes 15-20 mins for the monitoring alone.  Went straight to do the ultrasound then the doctor. This doctor's appointment involves a Group B Strep swab which will test for Group B streptococcus (GBS). The bacteria can be passed on to the baby during delivery, which could lead to illness during baby's first weeks of life. If the test reveal there is Group B strep I would be treated with IV antibiotics during labor to prevent infections. Next, the internal examination to see if I'm dilating. Doctor said, " Cervix closed. No baby today!" Mr. T and I both said, "Good!"

I bet you're curious as to how the baby is doing?

He is doing marvelously. Still moving around and hiccuping. Hand is constantly on his face. Doesn't want to move it for a good 4D picture. Kicked the sonographer several times. Weight will be determine next Friday. It's done every two weeks.

Mommy's weight? 116 pounds. Weight gain so far? 30 pounds.

What's up with mommy this week?

1. Stomach rash, which is normal during late pregnancy. Just don't scratch it. It makes it worst! TRUST ME!! Dr. said it's safe to take Benadryl or apply Calamine lotion.

2. Swollen legs and fingers (edema). Can't fit into my UGGS boots. It has no zippers. Can't wear wedding band or engagement ring either.

3. Snoring. I snort during the day and snore when I sleep.

4. Nose bleed. Just a little bit.

Graving this week? Entenmanns' Coconut Custard Pie. Could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Diner food, particularly old-fashioned french toast. Pickles on the side, please!

Looking forward to? Next doctor's appointment for ultrasound. Internal examination for dilation. I also look forward to sitting in the monitoring room, eating my lollipop and mimicking the sound of my baby's heartbeat. Mr. T sometimes look at me to stop me from doing that because there are other people in the room. I would literally move my head while making the heartbeat sounds. You think he's embarrassed by me?!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

35 weeks

This has been a sad week for many people in the Northeast, especially NY, NJ, and CT. Hurricane Sandy came with a vengeance and many people were left homeless or without electricity and heat. Mr. T and I were the lucky few who were not affected by the storm. Our parents were not so lucky. My parents live by the beach and the bay so their basement was flooded up to the first floor. They had no gas or electricity. They now have partial electricity in their house, but the gas company turned off their gas valve for safety reasons until they get their boiler fix.  My parent-in-laws don't have electricity, gas or heat. However, we are extremely happy that we are all alive and well. Everything else can be replaced. 

Mr. T and I had our OB-GYN appointment on Friday. Luckily we had filled up our gas tank before the storm and had plenty to get to and from the doctor's office.  Based on the measurements, baby is now 5 lb 9 ounces. Progressing well. Baby's head is very low, which explains why the area below my big tummy hurts when I lean forward to get up from a seated position. Starting next Friday it will be a weekly visit with sonogram, monitoring of baby's heartbeat and contraction activity, and an internal exam to measure my cervix dilation. My doctor said, "It's the patient's favorite part of the pregnancy".  I sense sarcasm in his tone :)

Keep safe and have a good week.

Friday, October 26, 2012

not so happy Friday after all...

It was happy until 2:30 pm. As everyone who knows me knows by now what makes me not happy during my pregnancy: CONSTIPATION AND HEMORRHOID! AAAAAARGH! I'm not one to curse, but come on! Give me a break!

What makes it worst is I'm supposed to meet with some friends that I haven't seen for a while for dinner. I doubt I will make it. Sitting on the subway with constipation and hemorrhoid is not fun. Sitting on the subway for 1 1/2 hour is torture. 

So you're wondering why am I writing this post while in extreme pain? BECAUSE I can't sit down, and I have an  ice pack on my labia because that is also swollen from all the pushing! Writing also helps me to vent and deal with the pain. 

I've called almost everyone that I know (that don't mind me rambling on about poop). Talked to the baby and the dog about it. My only other channel is this blog. So thanks for listening. 

I hope you have a nice calm weekend. For those of you in the East Coast of the USA please keep safe from hurricane Sandy!

Happy, Happy Friday...

Today's Happy is Cute Little baby boy clothes!

For the mothers-to-be out there who are having boys! Are you getting the comments from people that it's hard to shop for your kid because boys clothing is soooo boring? I felt the same way when I found out I was going to have a boy. I will admit that. But it's really isn't our fault that we feel that way. It's the baby market that gears everything towards women and girls. However, as I shop and browsed the internet I found some cute baby boy clothes that makes me say "AWWW! My boy will never be boring again!" Mind you some boy clothing cuteness come at a higher price than girls!

photo from paisley monkey
photo from gap
photo from winter water factory
photo from layla grayce
Photo from winter water factory
photo from winter water factory
photo from urban smalls
photo from urban smalls
photo from gap
photo from gap

photo from cloud-mine

If you can't find anything cute for your boy do what I do: buy white onesies/shirts dye them  and add your own design. 

photo by petite brooklyn nmom

photo by petite brooklyn mom

Have a wonderful weekend!

34 weeks

The 34th week of pregnancy started on Sunday. Mr. T and I were quite busy. One of our friends gave us some wonderful gears and clothes for the baby, including a crib, changing table, feeding chair, and a bouncer. 

Now we were faced with another dilemma: how to arrange our apartment to fit all these things. I had originally planned to put the crib on my side of the bed, but since it's a little bit wider and longer than we pictured, we had to move the dresser and put the crib at the end of our bed. The changing table was placed right next to the crib.  It looks a little bit crowded and plain at the current time. We just have to un-clutter and store what we don't need somewhere else, which might be the parents' house :) Will post completed nursery/bedroom combo soon. Hopefully!

This week we also went to our Baby Care class. Very basic basic baby care information. Class was 2 hr 20 mins. There wasn't anything that I didn't know already like the fact that baby cries to communicate and it's normal. Or that some baby are crossed eyes due to muscle weakness. Temperature in room should be between 68-72 degrees. Don't overdress your baby or let your baby sleep face down cause it might lead to SIDS. Safety and SIDS were repeated several times. After the instructor went over her stuff, we saw a 30 mins video that repeated the same exact thing. It was a good class, but could be an 1 hour long.  If you get those free baby magazines they also have baby care information. Some go into a lot more details than this class. You can get the gist of caring for your newborn without paying too much money for it. No matter how many classes you take or magazines you read, it's when the baby arrives that you really test your knowledge and your motherly instincts.  

Two good things about the class: 1. It was a good place to meet other mothers-to-be and see that we're all in the same boat. 2. I was exhausted when I got home so slept through the night without having to get up to use the bathroom. I also slept four extra hours! Wonderful feeling! Thanks Baby Care class.