Saturday, December 1, 2012

Baby Chase T.


Born exactly at beginning of the 39th week of pregnancy
On November 25, 2012 @ 8:39 am
Weighing in at 6 pounds 6 ounces
Measuring 20 inches

Labor and Delivery was quick at least once we were at the hospital. Actually felt contractions at 6:30 pm on Nov. 24. Arrived at my in-laws house around 8:30 pm to be closer to the hospital just in case I went into labor. Felt intense contractions starting at 9 pm. Went to hospital at 3:30 am to be monitor and see if I was dilated enough to be admitted. I was dilating 1-2 cm at yesterday's appointment. The resident treating me said I was dilated at 5 cm. He came back 2 hours later and I was 10 cm  WITHOUT EPIDURAL!!! I was screaming my lungs out and was squeezing my husband's hands really hard. Pain like I've never felt before. Contractions felt like they were coming less than 30 seconds apart!  Everyone rushed to find me a delivery room thinking Chase would come any second.. They were all very happy and said "Good Job!" I looked at them and literally said "Why is everyone so happy and telling me that?!" It doesn't feel that way from my side. They said normally first-time mom takes a long time to deliver their baby. 

My Ob. came in and wanted to see if we're ready for delivery. Let me just say having a doctor stick his fingers up my vagina while I was having contractions made me want to just literally push the baby out and hit him in the face!!! However, doc said my water hasn't broken yet so I could have an epidural if I want one. Can anyone guess my answer to that one?! Of course, I got the epidural even though it took me an extra two hours to get Chase out. He was literally stuck at the tip. All I saw was his head and hair. I was pushing for an hour and half and no bulge. So I need a little help from a vacuum and a little cut down there and out came Chase!

Isn't he the cutest?! Besides your kids, that is :)

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