Thursday, April 11, 2013

Apartment gardening...

My new obsession is growing vegetables out of scraps from the fridge. I've already been doing that without even trying. I've grown a carrot, potato, and garlic. Yes, if you keep these guys in the fridge and don't use them they start to grow.

Did you know that there are tons of other vegetables that you can easily grow by just letting them be or by putting them in water?  Two days ago I cut off the bottom of a Romaine lettuce and put it in an inch of water. Yesterday I did the same to my bok choy. Take a look at how fast they grew. Sorry, forgot to take "before" pictures. Basically there were no leaves :)

Romaine lettuce after 2 days
Bok choy after 1 day
Growing vegetables would be a great activity to do with the kids. It teaches them where their food came from.  Maybe they'll be more inclined to eat their vegetables.

BTW, change water every day to keep it fresh and hydrated.

Update: 4/15/2013


Romaine lettuce after 6 days

bok choy after 5 days

Update: 04/28/2013:

Remember to keep it hydrated every day. My Romaine lettuce started to wilt because I forgot to put more water. It is also best to put it into soil after it starts to sprout some leaves. The bottom of my lettuce was getting brown and really soft. 

The bok choy is holding up much better. It is still very hardy. I will also transfer this one into a soiled pot and see how much bigger they grow.

Update: 05/08/2013:

Sad news. The Romaine lettuce didn't make it. I didn't get the chance to put it into soil. On top of that, I forgot to water it so it died :( I never claimed to have a green thumb!

My bok choy is still in water and ALIVE! I relocated it to my bathroom, where I will water it while in the shower :) Lets see how that goes.


My bok choy is really loving the bathroom. Just look how tall it grew after only a month! Love the yellow blossoms.  I don't think I'll be eating this one:) In the background are the avocados that I put in water yesterday. 

Visit black thumb gardener for more information on how to grow vegetables from kitchen scraps.


  1. Totally did not know this! Thanks for sharing!


      Great website that tells you how to grow 17 plants from kitchen scraps. I personally love growing avocados.

      Bean sprouts are also easy to grow. Will try that next.
